20 Spectacular And Rare Weather Phenomena That You Won't Believe Happen On Our Planet
1. Brinicle
Brinicles are the underwater equivalent of icicles. They form beneath ice when a flow of saline water is introduced to ocean water. |
Volcanic plumes produce immense amounts of electrical charge and static. In rare cases, this can spark a violent lightning storm. |
3. Sprites, Elves and Blue Jets
These colourful shapes are the result of electrical discharges in the atmosphere. |
Fire Rainbows are formed by light reflecting from ice crystals in high level clouds. The halos are so large, they often appear parallel to the horizon. |
6. Fire Whirls
Fire whirls are whirlwinds of flame. They occur when intense heat and turbulent wind conditions combine. |
8. Moonbow
Moonbows are rainbows produced by light reflected off the surface of the moon, rather than the sun. Due to the small amount of light reflected off the moon, moonbows are quite faint. |
10. Waterspouts
Waterspouts are vortexes, which occur over a body of water. No water is sucked in and the sprout is made entirely from water given off by condensation. |
Morning Glory clouds are incredibly rare, so much so, that we don't know what causes them. They're most commonly seen at fall in the small town of Burketown in Australia. |
Lenticular clouds are lens-shaped clouds that form when moist air flows over a mountain and piles into large and layered clouds. Due to their strange shape, these clouds are often mistaken for UFOs. |
13. Penitentes
15. Frost Flowers
16. Sun Dogs
Sun dogs are an atmospheric phenomenon that occur when ice crystals cause light to appear brighter when the sun is at a certain angle. |
Mammatus clouds are cloud pouches that form and hang underneath the base of a cloud. When air and clouds holding different levels of moisture mix, the heavier one sinks below the lighter. |
Snow donuts are formed when chunks of snow are blown along the ground by wind, picking up material along the way. The inner layers are weak and can easily blow away, leaving a donut. |
The Belt of Venus is a pink glowing arch seen across the sky when the shadow of the Earth’s translucent atmosphere casts a shadow back upon itself. |
Asperatus Clouds were only classified in 2009. As a result, we know little about them other than the fact that they look amazing. |
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Nutchanon Plaithoa |